License transfer WITHOUT internet

Hello hello.


I just received a brand new station (finally!). So I can't wait to install Solidworks ... And then, the drama. In fact, I have to transfer the license of an old PC completely cut off from the internet by the info service.

No matter how much I beg them to put the connection back, they refuse (a story of windowsXP) and suddenly, I find myself with a license that I can't do anything about.

Do you know of another way to transfer your money than by internet?

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Call your SW supplier. They will do the manipulation of their server themselves. :)


all you have to do is reconnect your old PC

so that you can transfer your SW license

otherwise you can't work

so your boss must be super happy

The war of services is on its way

which de+ is it's an old version of SW if I'm wrong

good luck @+ ;-)


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And manually by email?


Pick up the attached piece from another workstation and put it back on the workstation without connection

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@Bart, the problem by email ... it's that I'm still going to need an internet connection to send the email (because it's the post where there is Solidworks which no longer has internet)


@gt22 and @Charly.METAYER, yes, old version from 2011 so not really followed by the supplier anymore (besides, it's a bit obscure on how to buy. A group story that buys for all companies and redispatches. In short, the shit). 

Indeed, I am preparing my voice to shout this afternoon, but I would have preferred a roundabout way. Pfff, the pleasure of external info services

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Maybe there is still time.

From the old workstation you generate the request by email, you download the file and possibly the content of the mail on a USB key or by the network, you send the mail from topn workstation.

Have you tried to activate it on the new station? For a bit, you don't need to transfer it...

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Hello coincoin,


I refer you to the attached pdf for all the manipulation.

But in any case, you will need another workstation with internet access with an email box, to receive the activation file.

Otherwise a similar topic to help:

Good luck:)


Oulala, I tried your technique @Stefbeno ... and I have nothing at all now.


I had hoped like you that a file would open and that I could transfer it via USB key. Not only did it not open anything at all, but I can't even open Solidworks on the original workstation anymore.


I did try to activate on the new workstation anyway, but it's not possible. I must already be on the job


@Azrod, thanks for the PDF. But as you point out yourself, it is necessary to have the internet to follow this procedure. But I can't have him on my old job.


Well on that note, I'm going to prepare my big voice and concrete arguments against the info service

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and if you take the hard drive of your old station

and that you put it on the news as a slave

and you make a copy of  it on your system disk

it should work I think

@+ ;-)

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At the point where you're too late. No?

Since you don't see any more licenses, you won't be able to transfer it anymore.

I had a problem with the transfer of license when I installed my station. I called the technical service of Axemble and in 1/4 hour they called me and solved the problem.

Who is your dealer? Are you under maintenance?


As Charly said. Sharecropper, if you have hotline access, they can kill the license on the old machine to free it. Then you get it back on the new one.

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Sorry. Even if it's a weird behavior.

You only have the hotline left now I think.

Good luck

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I'm no longer under maintenance, right:(


Olala, it smells like burnt out all this

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If you have a new license, you don't have a maintenance of 1 year minimum?


Edit: drop my answer, it's just your license that you want to transfer. not install a new one.


On the XP machine, see if there is a restore point that takes you back before the manipulation I made you do.

If SW wants to restart, you put the CPU on the desk of the one who is doing well (he should understand that the desktop is the last step before his rats).

Hi Coincoin

for your problem I had the same

I wrote an email to service@mycad with the license number to ask to release her from the old position

I received a cost of wire and mail and op reinstallation on the new workstation (me the old workstation had been formatted)

They gave me a download link of the version to which it is to stop my maintenance (2014 SP4) and then during the installation you have to go and get the executable in the install folder (and not the one that is at the root) 

so it accepts to install even without connection.

on the other hand it's better that the new workstation is connected otherwise it's a hassle between taking the code transferring by email from another workstation etc ....


Hi @Gerald. Doesn't it require you to still be under maintenance on your system?

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Hi all

I'm a technician I would do it like this: you disconnect the intra network on the old computer, you install a USB wifi key on the old computer. you share your 4G connection from your smartphone (or one of your colleagues) on the old set. That way you're outside your company's network. All you have to do is do your license migration.

Good luck


I just tried the shared connection... and it doesn't work. The pc remains unable to go on the internet to make the transfer.


So I sent an email to to see if they have a solution for this kind of case. We'll see the answer


Fingers crossed for you!