Transform 3D plan into 3D parts with dimensions



I made a very basic piece of furniture with SolidWorks and I would have liked to "explode" the plan into pieces with the ribs like 4 legs of 46x46x850, 2 plans of xxx, 6 cleats of xxx,... It's possible?

If necessary, the plan as an attachment


Thank you



Hello, I can't open it because it's a future version. On the other hand, I know that it is possible for you to do it from your room

to make integration; Exploded view and the very intuitively every time you click a body, a trihedron appears allowing you to place wherever you want. Do this for each body and when you validate, a configuration is created.

All you have to do is put an isometric view in your drawing and select the "exploded view" configuration in the property manager (on the left of your screen).

Hope I helped you;) Kind regards 



Since you have very distinct volume bodies, you can, from your part, convert your part into a welded construction, which will have the purpose of grouping the identical bodies by shape and dimension. Then you just have to create properties on the parts items that retrieve dimensions. Then to make a nomenclature of your lists of elements with a table that is well suited to retrieve the properties.

The problem in your file is that no dimensions drive your sketches. So we should start there. In addition, it will make it easier for you to modify your workbench.

Alternatively, you could do your design in the context of assembly. That would be more judicious!

I'm attaching the file with the beginning of a track.

Kind regards


