Transition in EPDM


we have a transition in our "Approved" lifecycle that sends us into a "To Approve" state,

we would like during this transition, that a Solidworks block "IN APPROVAL" comes

Move to the plan and then the plan saves to a folder with an EPDM job.

My question is about the Solidworks block in automatic on the plan.

Is this conceivable?

Thank you


You might consider creating a variable (SW + EPDM) that changes to "Trusted" during this state.

At the level of your basemaps, you should add an annotation with this variable.

This involves reloading the basemaps of old drawings (there must be a MyPDMtools tool for this).

PS: You could also use this method to display "validated on xx/xx/xxxx)"



I also used the method described by Benoit.LF to indicate if a plan is "good for production".

It may be useful to add the variable in a hidden tab of the data card so that you can check the status of the variable.