Transparency assembly color parts (SW 2012)

Hi all

I'm currently working on SolidWorks 2012, and I'm having a poster problem.

I would like to have my assembly in transparent view, but keeping the colors of each piece.

But when I change the transparency with the right click, all my parts turn gray (see image attached).

I tried changing the transparency of each part, but I get the same result, and I have too many parts to really be able to do it on my entire assembly.

Is there a solution to change only the transparency and not the color of my pieces?

It's for an illustration of my internship report, and I want to have a cross-sectional view with the part cut in "watermark", I would make the assembly of the 2 parts separately.

Thank you.



The only solution is to edit the color of your pieces: See PJ.

However, to remove transparency, it will not be enough to click on it. We will have to do the trick again.



chosen can be a wireframe image for the rooms that should be traslucid and shaded for the others

your assembly is on a single level you don't have any sub-assembly

In this case you should be able to react on the transparency of your parts

regardless of your assembly

See these links

what do you have as a graphics card and ram

because it eats up a lot of ram this story


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It's amazing!

In 2016, the transparency keeps the color of the room.

It seemed to me that in 2012 this was already the case.

Could you display the additional pane of the creation tree (by clicking on the arrow to the right next to the tabs at the top)

There is a column where the colors are represented by triangles.

In the case of transparency, the color of the second triangle is just lighter.

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Have you tried by editing the parts one by one, the transparency surely applies in the context of assembly and not at the level of the parts.

On the other hand, in 2016, when you make a cut, the cut sides lose their transparencies and it's sometimes annoying.

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a.leblanc: "On the other hand, in 2016, when we make a cut, the cut sides lose their transparencies and it's sometimes annoying."

It must be a matter of options, because I make cuts on transparent parts without impacting transparency.


Pascal, thanks for the tip I'll take a look at my options.

For A.Leblanc, before validating your cut, uncheck the option keep the color of the section.


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Is the color assigned to the body of the coin and not to the faces?

I just saw that when you put a part in transparency, it assigns this transparency to the base color of the part without taking into account the color assigned to the faces if it is different.

Is the color assigned at the part or assembly level?

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In the end I decided not to bring my idea to fruition, we don't see much.

But I'll answer you anyway, if I or anyone else ever needs the answer.

In order:

remrem: I can't do this for every piece, I have ~150.

gt22: I have a lot of subassemblies nested within each other...

I have 12gb of ram and an amd FirePro 7900 cg. sometimes I row with large assemblies, like the one that causes me problems (even in light mode for almost all my parts)

Pascal: When I click on the transparent mode of my assembly, I have a light gray triangle that appears, and this "transparent color" applies to my entire assembly, without keeping the color of each part.

A.Leblanc: Room by room I have what I want, but as said above I have about 150, it would be too long.

I do have pieces that are colorized by side, but the majority are colorized on the scale of the room.