Truncate a part


I would like to truncate this piece, remove the part in the red frame.

I did this by creating a sketch at the end by removing the material from it, but it still stays in the building tree, how do I remove that?


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Can you put your piece with the sketch in the post??? If you remove material through all of it doesn't work???

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If you put a dividing line

you should have 2 pieces

so record each piece in part

and you keep the one that suits you

or you create a cube that  encompasses the part to be removed 

you save in a new file

and you delete this cube you should only have the piece left out of frame

Here are some of the solutions

But there are other ways if necessary

@+ ;-)


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A priori, redo a "save as..." " in a neutral format should delete the creation history.

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What is the original file type??? It looks like a file that comes from the STL format. If this is ever the case, here's how to open it in volume...

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Here's the piece and the capture


But now you've already truncated it!!

Yes it is swapped but I thought it was possible to remove this part of the construction tree, just an aesthetic detail.


You can create a folder to no longer see the functions and right-click on Imported1 and there you create a folder and put the other functions there. There will only be the folder in your creation tree. See PJ


I have a mistake when opening your zip, can you do it to me in .zip or .rar?


Here it is DSL...

well great thank you
