Find the Path to a Part Insert in a Solidworks Drawing

Hi all

I'm looking for a way to find the way to a VBA part that has been inserted into a drawing.

My scenario is as follows:

I have my room that is open, I create a drawing of my room and I want to do an automatic recording in different format.
But I don't see how to recover the way back to my piece from the drawing.

Do any of you have the solution?
Because he certainly has a solution, I tried to look, but I haven't found it yet...

Sub ExportDrawingWithReferencedPartToPDFandDXF()
    ' Déclaration des variables
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc
    Dim swView As SldWorks.View
    Dim swModelInView As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim partFilePath As String
    Dim drawingFilePath As String
    Dim exportPDFPath As String
    Dim exportDXFPath As String
    Dim errors As Long
    Dim warnings As Long
    ' Initialisation de SolidWorks
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    ' Vérification que le document actif est bien une mise en plan
    If swModel.GetType <> swDocDRAWING Then
        MsgBox "Le document actif n'est pas une mise en plan."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Caster le document en tant que DrawingDoc
    Set swDraw = swModel
    ' Récupérer la première vue contenant le modèle
    Set swView = swDraw.GetFirstView
    Set swView = swView.GetNextView ' Ignorer la vue de la feuille et prendre la première vue du modèle
    ' Vérifier si la vue fait référence à un modèle
    If Not swView Is Nothing Then
        Set swModelInView = swView.ReferencedDocument
        If Not swModelInView Is Nothing Then
            ' Récupérer le chemin du fichier de la pièce référencée
            partFilePath = swModelInView.GetPathName
            If partFilePath <> "" Then
                MsgBox "Le chemin du modèle inséré est : " & partFilePath
                MsgBox "La pièce n'a pas encore été enregistrée."
            End If
            MsgBox "Aucun modèle n'est associé à cette vue."
            Exit Sub
        End If
    End If
    ' Récupérer le chemin de la mise en plan (le fichier de dessin)
    drawingFilePath = Left(swModel.GetPathName, InStrRev(swModel.GetPathName, ".") - 1)
    ' Si la mise en plan n'a pas encore été enregistrée
    If drawingFilePath = "" Then
        MsgBox "La mise en plan n'a pas encore été enregistrée."
        Exit Sub
    End If
    ' Générer les chemins pour l'export PDF et DXF
    exportPDFPath = drawingFilePath & ".pdf"
    exportDXFPath = drawingFilePath & ".dxf"
    ' Exporter la mise en plan en PDF
    swModel.SaveAs3 exportPDFPath, 0, 0
    MsgBox "Exportation en PDF réussie : " & exportPDFPath
    ' Exporter la mise en plan en DXF
    swModel.SaveAs4 exportDXFPath, swSaveAsDXF, swSaveAsOptions_Silent, errors, warnings
    If errors = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Exportation en DXF réussie : " & exportDXFPath
        MsgBox "Erreur lors de l'exportation en DXF."
    End If
End Sub
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@max59 I took the liberty of editing the post to put the macro back between the tags because otherwise the translator does...
The most beautiful thing being at the end of the macro the translation of " End sub " by " end of the submarine ", it made my day :smiley:



Maybe a lead:

In short, you keep everything from the code that is necessary to execute this line:

Debug.Print sPadStr & "  File           = " & swDrawComp.component.GetPathName

Thank you @max59 for the code and it's well commented, it's what I was looking for.

And thank you also @Sylk for the link.