I'm getting a little into SW Simulation (2019) by doing the integrated tutorials.
For the hull study, I don't really understand (it's true that that's why there are trainers ;-) ): the part provided already has a median surface and the main body is removed.
In the tutorial, it says:
"The middle surface of the sheet metal part is displayed. The software automatically meshes the surface bodies with shells. To view the volume size, cancel Body-Delete in the FeatureManager design tree."
My problem(s):
- I don't know how the median surface is generated;
- When I validate the creation of the study, nothing happens (no surface creation, no meshing). I tried to start from a "normal" sheet metal model (even if the model provided is rather rotten in terms of modeling method), it doesn't change anything.
What did I miss?
Attached is the document provided.