SolidWorks Tutorial: Aston Martin One-77

Hi all!


Here is a new SolidWorks tutorial with the objective of modeling an Aston Martin One-77. It is in PDF format, in English and French. You can find the tutorial here:


There is a tutorial space on the site!

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But isn't this space reserved for tutorials posted on Lynkoa?

Yes and no, if you cite the source of your tutorial, there is no problem.


Afterwards, it's always better to do the tutorials yourself.

But if it can help the community, don't hesitate! =)


You can post your own tutorial by uploading your pdf in the Tutorials section of our site. Click on "Create a tutorial", just fill in the form, upload your pdf file and then publish it:

You can watch the video "tutorials" in our "help page" which explains how to create and post a tutorial on our website:

It will be visible to everyone at all times.



Community Manager Lynkoa

You can even charge them €35 just like on your website!

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