A server problem

Hello Lynkoa Team, I tried to contact you via the contact us button and I sent a message and here is what I got:


Home » Contact Us » Webform Confirmation

Sending of at least one e-mail failed. The error returned was:
The following recipient addresses failed: cm@lynkoa.com.

Thank you, your message has been sent and will be dealt with as soon as possible.
Enjoy your visit to Lynkoa!



A small problem?



Hi @ mwalti


it's not a question about how a 3D log works


but rather a question of the functioning of the Lynkoa site


so there is a group specially dedicated to this




or send a message @ Clementtine 



Have a nice day

@+ ;-)


That's because it's closed on Sundays!




I am the Community Manager of the site. Thank you for reporting this bug to us, it has been reported to the technical team.


On the other hand, the "Questions" section is dedicated to technical questions about CAD.

If you have any other bug reports on the site, you can report it in this group:



For questions about how it works:



For suggestions for improvement, in this group:



Please close this question by choosing a better answer.

Have a good day to you,



In fact I used the CAD question because the other possibilities crashed (even for the question, I did it in 4 times before one worked). By the way, I wasn't aware that the "contact" questions were closed on Sundays (I'm talking about the mailbox).


Thank you for your answers...


Sorry for "polluting" the CAD part! Laughing out loud


For information, the contact form is active again.