Does a skeleton necessarily have to be configured?

Hi all

Following my previous post where my project is explained ( ), his advised me to divide my different questions which I do here.

So here is my fifth  question:

In a skeleton everything must be parameterized or not? (The parameter can take place just on the part)

Thank you in advance for your answer and for your time.

Kind regards


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To my knowledge, yes

but you can set as many parameters as you want 

Change, lengths, angles, planes

so all the constraints according to their type of design

@+ ;-)) 

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I will not use the therme of parameterized.

I would say rather robust.

The skeleton must do what it is asked to do, so the sequence of parameters, constraints, directions must be tested and proven before being copied as an external ref in the project parts.

It is not uncommon to see unwanted orientation reversals when changing the angle or values of a parameter.

This is often the case, for example, for a straight line (angle, relative to a curve).

If we vary the value of the reconstructed CATIA angle to the nearest minute, which can result in a change in the direction of the orientation of the line.

Let me explain if we admit (point-1 the origin of the line, point-2 the final end) we can find ourselves with (point-2 as the origin and point-1 as the end).

What can be annoying if point-2 serves as a reference (because it is no longer at the end, but at the origin)


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