Union of two bodies

Hi all


I try to unite two bodies, each of which has its own machining (but not necessarily those of the other). The desired result is a single body with the machining of each of the two starting bodies.


I tested the combined function which does not give me satisfaction, since it "fills" the holes.

I don't have access to the join function, I don't know why.


Do you have an idea of the method to use???


Thank you in advance






I don't know if it's right for you, but it's possible to compare geometries in SolidWorks, see here:



And a video here:


Otherwise, if the functions are not numerous, a copy from the desired function tree, and a paste on the destination surface can do the trick.


Or, edit in the context of the assembly to convert the entities:



Then breaking the external links, and using the "totally constrain the sketch" function can save a lot of time too (by making sure to choose your origin carefully):


you make an assembly of the 2 bodies

that you save in room (part)

@+ ;-)

Is the external geometry of your bodies identical? In this case, it is an intersection of the bodies that must be made. To do this, you have to use the "common" option in the "combine" function




On the other hand, if the bodies are of different sizes, you will only get the outer dimensions of the smaller one.


First you have to split the parts at the drilling (or machining) level, and then combine them to get 1 part.


And hide or remove the body of the piercings obtained.

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First you have to split the parts at the drilling (or machining) level, and then combine them to get 1 part.


And hide or remove the body of the piercings obtained.


With an ex:

- Test and Test2 part inserted into an assembly.

- Assembly save as a part.

- In the new multi-body room: split


- Eliminate fractional bodies.


Nice example opiep27

nothing more to say


By the way, for the join function: it is accessible in an assembly.

We have our 2 pieces to join, we insert a new part, and then we have the join function.


But this function also "fills" the holes, it does like combine.



As you can see in the @Happydad image, it's working on a part file, so for me the function to use is Intersection by unchecking the piercing areas, quite simply.


View image




EDIT: be careful when checking the drilling areas and not unchecking


@coyote: well done. Since I'm working under sw12 today, I didn't have the intersection function.

I checked, it has been there since sw13.

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