Hi all.

We will (surely) switch to 3DExperience for Solidworks for our mechanical design office.

Are there people on the forum who work with 3DExperience for Solidworks?

And the boat question arrives: Is it good??

Have a good day everyone.

We do not use the 3D Experience.
A question: What are the reasons that push you to make this choice?

Have a nice day.

Hello @remrem 

We wanted to switch to a PDM and we were advised to switch to 3Dexperience (which will probably replace PDMWorks in the future).


Thank you for your answer. That's interesting.
In terms of migration, how does it work? Is everything outsourced?


Everything is outsourced to DASSAULT servers.

After that, I don't have all the details.

Hi all 

You will find many customer testimonials on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform on the Visiativ website, including this one that should interest you: https://www.visiativ-solutions.fr/la-3dexperience-pour-securiser-lactivite-robotique/

Have a good day:)


Do we have a vision on the disappearance of PDM?