Using SLDW Macros


I did the usual manipulations (without going through the macro)

File/Save As/DWG Format.

when I open the DWG "with AUTOCAD2013, the same message actually appears.

As I said in a previous post about the case:


"With a macro you can choose to define a common folder, a folder by file type, a folder (based on a custom customer property, deal number) or offer a file explorer to choose each time where to save the different files."


Do you have a personal property or something in the codification that tells you this:


top-level file: CAR or  MOTORCYCLE or TRACTOR or BICYCLE

second level file:  Cabriolet or Coupe or MPV or 4x4


The part:

swDraw.SaveAs (Filepath + FileName + ".PDF")
swDraw.SaveAs (Filepath + FileName + ". DWG")


Should look like this:


Select case type 'select case avoids many nested FIs

box = "CAR" 'if type = car

 Folder = "C:\CAR" 'we save in the car folder

case = "MOTO" 'ditto...

  Folder = "C:\MOTO"

box = "TRACTOR"

  Folder = "C:\TRACTOR"

case = "BIKE"

  Folder = "C:\VELO"

else' case 'if other type or no type, error

 msgbox "Type Error1"


end select


Select case type2 

case = "CUT" 'if type1 = cut

 Folder = Folder & "\CUT" 'we add cut to the folder

case = "CAB"

 Folder = Folder & "\CAB"

case = "4x4"

 Folder = Folder & "\4x4"

case = "MONOSPACE"

 Folder = Folder & "\MONOSPACE"

case else

 msgbox "Type2 Error"


end select


For information:

type1 and type2 must be variables that already exist in your files or to be asked of the user when launching the macro.

swDraw.SaveAs(Folder & "\PDF\" & FileName & ".PDF")
swDraw.SaveAs(Folder & "\DWG\" & FileName & ". DWG")

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To use the FSO, you need to add the Microsoft Scripting Runtime reference to your macro

See screenshot


For the message problem when opening with AutoCAD, there is no box to uncheck so that the message no longer appears?


Otherwise see this link /

Did you get out of it?

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Hello, I want to thank you for your help.


For the moment, the macro suits our BE. We'll just do the DWG and PDF files, by hand.

We already save a lot of time.


The company may invest in EPDM...

We will work on the file storage at that time.


Kind regards.




Please designate the best answer in this case!