Using a value for all SW models


I wanted to know if anyone had a solution to use the same value in all the models of the file, a bit in the principle of PDM. Basically, we imagine that I have CCTP data, a specific dimension to respect for example and that I retrieve in each SW models, if ever this value changes, it is modified in all models. This is in order to avoid having to modify the value in each model and not to forget. Maybe with an equation? By retrieving a value in an Excel file?  


The simplest is the skeleton piece that you call in each room.
In the skeleton part, you create a property that you later retrieve.


It's not stupid either! but I'm in the custom and I have parts that are totally different, I'm testing with equations linked to an external file. For the moment it seems to work, if it doesn't produce problems.

Thank you for your feedback. 

Equation + text file with link