When inserting a view, I want the software to ask me by default what scale to apply to that view.
Currently, by default, I have the option "use the parent's scale".
On the other hand, can we round a dimension in the 2D to the nearest 0.5. The only possible proposal I see is rounding up to 0.1,0.01... i.e. the number of digits after the decimal point.
For me, Impossible to ask solidworks to choose the scale when inserting a view, the scale is calculated automatically unless you uncheck in the system options/drawing/Autoscaling the new drawing views...
To round up see here at the bottom of the page: http://help.solidworks.com/2015/french/SolidWorks/sldworks/HIDD_OPTIONS_UNITS_NEW.htm?id=db81b5c5581d499bbc9a8e3402b675de#Pg0