Validation / Opinion of heat exchange calculation with ambient domain

Hi all

I just made my first calculation with an exchange between 2 domains:

Outdoor area: Ambient air at 40°C

Sub-domain: Air at 75°C (air flow in one burner)

The model of the structure is made of S235JR steel. I want to observe the temperatures of the structure as well as the dissipation around it. (In particular to monitor the temperature towards the electrical box, which must not exceed +50°C).

During the simulation project, I checked gravity & conduction in solids / External analysis type / Roughness 0μm

As I have no means of experimentally verifying this calculation, I submit it to your opinions. (for my part, the result seems viable to me despite a weak dissipation towards the outside (Delta between the 2 mediums of 35°C)); What do you think?

(Calculation domains and results attached in the compressed file)

Thank you in advance