Variable as being the concatenation of two other pdm variables?

Hi all

So here it is: SW2016 is installed, and we - all the guys at the design office - have decided to drop Workgroup for PDM std.

I'm in the middle of creating the data maps, and I want to create a variable that is the concatenation of two others;   wholesale:

  • "Number" = "Project number" & "-" & "Part/Assembly Position"


  • "Project number": a folder data card variable
  • "-"  : a separating character
  • "Part/Assembly Position" : a second variable filled in by the user

Is this possible? The "Default / Text Value" field in the property pane of an edit box or text field doesn't seem to handle this kind of acrobatics... Nothing in the variable editor either

Thank you in advance for the information you can bring me.

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Good evening

You have to create this concatenation in the "Input formula" field by calling the desired variables.

It will look like this: Project number-Part/Assembly Position

Normally, the administration guide details the procedure to follow (data cards section and input formula)

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Thank you for the answer; Unfortunately for me the "Input formula" function is not available in PDM std, only in PDM pro.


Exactly, I didn't pay attention to the fact that it was the standard version.

In this case maybe it will work the following way (I'm on a pro version so possible that there are discrepancies).

In the Text Value field you must fill in the following: %Project number%-%Part/Assembly Position%

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We may have a project to migrate from WorkGroup to standard PDM, I'm interested in that.

Which dealer are you with?

Have you already made a lot of progress?

@ cyril.fourrier

Thanks for the info, I'll try this formula in the text value field.


Our dealer is AXEMBLE.

I'm moving slowly but surely: the life cycle (states and transition) is defined graphically only (no rules or permissions defined) and once all the data maps have been established, it is planned that the design office will meet with the QUALITY to discuss it and possibly make 2-3 adjustments. Groups and their permissions will also be discussed with QUALITY.

What is stirring up discussions for the moment is the revision table: Workgroup automatically fills in and updates the revision tables on the plans, PDM Std does not do it apparently; So, the question that arises is "is the presence of the revision table essential?" If so, hello the creation of variables and rules to display in the right place in a table the information of the last 3 revisions!!

In fact, as I progress in the configuration of PDM Std, I am more and more convinced that it was designed to kindly force the hand of companies to switch to PDM Pro: limitations everywhere and for everything! Being an SME does not prevent you from needing certain features to properly manage your data...

Good luck to you and your colleagues if you embark on this project!

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Thank you for this answer.

A few more questions:

How many people at the BE?

How long is the migration expected to take? Three months? 

Are you full-time on this project?

Do you need knowledge of SQL?

How many days of consulting did you buy from Axemble?

Regarding the revision table, I think you should ask a new question about Lynkoa.



Knowledge of SQL is not mandatory

This can become interesting if you want to do very specific research or modifications to the PDM database.

You must also be able to automate reporting tools (% of plans validated on a deal or in a file...)

You can also use it to create report generators (the syntax is based on or derived from the SQL syntax)

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