VBA SolidWorks Access Derived Fold

Hi all

Do you know how to access the derived fold element in VBA to cancel its deletion before exporting it to DXF (photo below)?
This is done by going through a loop that checks the delete state.


I know how to access the unfolded state with the following code.
Dim swFlatPattern As SldWorks.FlatPatternFeatureData
Set swFlatPatternFeat = vFlatPatternFeats(i)

But not at the level below to get to the derived fold.

Thanks in advance

Pick it up in the hope that it can help you :wink:

Sub AccederPliDeriveEtAnnulerSuppression()
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel As SldWorks.Model
    Dim swFlatPatternFeat As SldWorks.FlatPatternFeatureData
    Dim vFlatPatternFeats As Variant
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim swDerivedFoldFeat As SldWorks.Feature
    Dim swFoldFeat As SldWorks.Feature
    ' Initialisation de l'application SolidWorks
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    ' Sélection du modèle actif
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    ' Récupération des fonctionnalités de type "Flat Pattern"
    vFlatPatternFeats = swModel.GetFeaturesOfType(SldWorks.swFeatureType_e.swFlatPattern)
    ' Boucle pour chaque fonctionnalité "Flat Pattern"
    For i = 0 To UBound(vFlatPatternFeats)
        Set swFlatPatternFeat = vFlatPatternFeats(i)
        ' Itération à travers les fonctionnalités enfants pour trouver le "Pli dérivé"
        For Each swFoldFeat In swFlatPatternFeat.GetChildren
            ' Vérification du type de fonctionnalité (Adapter le type si nécessaire)
            If swFoldFeat.GetTypeName = "Fold" Then ' ou "DerivedFold" selon votre version/nomenclature
                Set swDerivedFoldFeat = swFoldFeat
                ' Vérifier l'état de suppression
                If swDerivedFoldFeat.IsDeleted Then
                    ' Annuler la suppression (Note: Cette action peut nécessiter des adaptations en fonction de la version de SolidWorks et de vos besoins spécifiques)
                    ' **Attention : L'exécution de cette ligne peut avoir des conséquences sur votre modèle. Testez dans un environnement contrôlé.**
                    ' swDerivedFoldFeat.SetDelete False ' (Décommenter et adapter si nécessaire)
                    ' Affichage d'un message pour indiquer que le "Pli dérivé" était marqué pour suppression
                    MsgBox "Le Pli dérivé de la fonctionnalité " & swFlatPatternFeat.Name & " était marqué pour suppression."
                End If
            End If
        Next swFoldFeat
    Next i
    ' Nettoyage
    Set swDerivedFoldFeat = Nothing
    Set swFoldFeat = Nothing
    Set swFlatPatternFeat = Nothing
    Set swModel = Nothing
    Set swApp = Nothing
End Sub

Ok thank you max59,

I'm going to look at this code, but it seems to have some interesting things.

I see that the Bing translation has done its thing again:
VS End sub.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry! :rofl:
@Coralie can be seen when it comes to code between tags to prevent the translator from taking into account.
Edit: and I'm not talking about the declarations modified by the translator that make the code unusable without knowledge.


I took the liberty of editing the @max59 post so that the code is between the tags.

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Thanks for putting the code back in order, but I can't seem to get it to work.

@max59 was the code you posted functional?

Because I have a block on this line:

vFlatPatternFeats = swModel.GetFeaturesOfType(SldWorks.swFeatureType_e.swFlatPattern)

Error: Method or data member not found

I also changed:

Dim swModel As SldWorks.Model


Dim swModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
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Try this code instead:

Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Dim myModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
Dim featureMgr As SldWorks.FeatureManager
Dim feat As SldWorks.Feature
Dim featArray As Variant
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim bret As Boolean
Dim vFeatState As Variant
Option Explicit

Sub main()

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set myModel = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set featureMgr = myModel.FeatureManager
    Dim flatPatternFolder As SldWorks.flatPatternFolder
    Set flatPatternFolder = featureMgr.GetFlatPatternFolder
    Set feat = flatPatternFolder.GetFeature
    Debug.Print "Flat-pattern folder name: " & feat.Name
    Debug.Print "  Number of flat-pattern features in the folder: " & flatPatternFolder.GetFlatPatternCount
    featArray = flatPatternFolder.GetFlatPatterns
    For i = LBound(featArray) To UBound(featArray)
        Set feat = featArray(i)
        vFeatState = feat.IsSuppressed2(swAllConfiguration, featArray)
        For j = LBound(vFeatState) To UBound(vFeatState)
        If vFeatState(j) = True Then
            bret = feat.SetSuppression2(1, 2, featArray)
           MsgBox "Le Pli dérivé de la fonctionnalité " & feat.Name & " était marqué pour suppression."
        End If
        Next j
    Next i
End Sub

I didn't pay attention if the @max59 code moved when I put it back between the tags but there are lines with functions that don't exist on the SW API.

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It actually works much better that way.
An idea @Cyril.f to check if one or the other of the folds is removed (extra level in the macro):

I think it stops at the state. I'll look at it if I have some time

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Good evening @treza88 ,

After identifying the "  FaltPattern " function, you need to dig into the sub-features to find the sketches and folds (" UiBend ").
The further down you go, the more the API doc is stingy with information.

Sub AccederPliDeriveEtAnnulerSuppression()
    Dim swApp               As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swModel             As ModelDoc2
    Dim swFeature           As Feature
    Dim swFlatPatternFeat   As Feature
    Dim vSupprStateArr      As Variant
    Dim bret                As Boolean
    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks                                ' Initialisation de l'application SolidWorks
    Set swModel = swApp.ActiveDoc                                   ' Sélection du modèle actif
    Set swFeature = swModel.FirstFeature                            ' Récupération des fonctionnalités de type "Flat Pattern"
    While Not swFeature Is Nothing
        If swFeature.GetTypeName = "FlatPattern" Then               ' La fonction est un "état déplié"
            If Not swFeature Is Nothing Then
                Debug.Print swFeature.GetTypeName, swFeature.Name
                Set swFlatPatternFeat = swFeature.GetFirstSubFeature    'Première sous-fonction
                Do While Not swFlatPatternFeat Is Nothing
                    If swFlatPatternFeat.GetTypeName2 = "UiBend" Then   ' UiBend est le nom de la fonction pour un dépliage (ProfileFeature pour une esquisse)
                        Debug.Print swFlatPatternFeat.GetTypeName, swFlatPatternFeat.Name
                        vSupprStateArr = swFlatPatternFeat.IsSuppressed2(swThisConfiguration, Nothing)  ' Test de l'état supprimé
                        If vSupprStateArr(0) = True Then
                            bret = swFlatPatternFeat.SetSuppression2(swUnSuppressFeature, swThisConfiguration, Nothing)
                        End If
                    End If
                    Set swFlatPatternFeat = swFlatPatternFeat.GetNextSubFeature ' Sous fonction suivante
            End If
        End If
        Set swFeature = swFeature.GetNextFeature                    ' Fonction suivante

    Set swModel = Nothing
    Set swApp = Nothing
End Sub

The macro is attached...
AccesPliDerive.swp (54.5 KB)

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Thank you @Cyril.f for your code and it seemed to me that the @max59 code contained personal functions.

Thanks m.bit, I think your code is exactly what I was looking for.

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Thanks @Cyril.f for the initial code, and @m.blt for the sub-function supplement that I had been looking for in vain for some time in the APIs.
The code is perfectly functional and can be added to one of my macros.

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