Vdoc Editing a Published Document by a Person Who Is No Longer Active


I'm Noël Gestalder, from Nicomatic

We are using the Vdoc application version

We ran into a problem with Vdoc. 

We wanted to modify an old document and change the version on Vdoc but since it was published by another person who is no longer with us, we could not make a modification. 

What is the "right" practice or way to do this? Or is there a feature/menu that I haven't seen?

Thanks in advance :-)

Noël Gestalder



For the record, Vdoc has become Visiativ , we should see with them directly.

I wouldn't be surprised if this was integrated into one of the Moovapps modules, but which one ???

Kind regards

Thank you for your answer, zozo_mp :-)

Well, that said, if I understood correctly, isn't Lynkoa the support forum of Visiativ, or else I missed something :-)

Does anyone use vdoc please?


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