Screws "document already opened"


When I want to insert a screw into my assembly that is already present, it puts this window on me.

As a result, it will not look for this screw in my screw file contained on our server but on my local folder if I click on "yes". If I click "no", it doesn't insert the screw.

When I reopen my assembly, if the screw has been removed from my local folder, it won't look for the screw on the server. But I want to manage the screws everything on our server and not a hit in a local folder, a shot on the server ...

What do I need to do so that it can fetch the screw from the server folder?

And second problem, I also have a window that sometimes appears when it can't find the screws on the server. However, it is there, the path is well informed... I don't understand.

What to do to get him to insert the screw correctly?


Here is the screenshot of the second error.

Thank you.


For the first message, it's quite simple.

You already have an open screw (the local file in your case). Since SW can only manage one file per name, it offers you to insert the file that is already open.

To replace, I suggest you open your screw from the server and open your assembly afterwards. SW will ask  you to replace your local screw of your assembly with the one of the server.

This is done for all the assemblies and files (screws) concerned

What happens when you click on "search file" of your 2nd message?


If this is the only solution, it will be long and tedious.

For the second question, it opens the windows explorer for me to show it the path of the screw concerned but it asks me again all the time no matter what.

SW doesn't handle paths: in fact, it doesn't save the path in a hard way.
He searches first in memory, then in the current directory and possibly in a directory of which he has kept a trace.

Your screws must therefore only be on the server and never local.
In principle, once he has been given a path, he reuses it.
What I'm afraid is that it will work for a session, maybe try to play with the search path.

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One possibility is to rename your local folder so that it no longer finds the local screw and when it asks you the question when opening it you show it the way to the server and the routing will do itself.

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In the options, "search path" you can specify where to look first for components that it can't find

Combined with sbadenis' response, it should work

However, the name must be identical.

Once done, a reconstruction and a recording later, it should not ask you for anything

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