Task pane open and locked on startup


The task pane is automatically opened and pinned when I open my SolidWorks2017.

How can I "unpin" it when I open it so that by clicking in the window it is automatically hidden?

There must be an option or a setting somewhere!!

Thanks in advance




Can you put a screen printout of the said task pane??

There you go!


Normally if you click on  and then click next to it (in the blank of the Solidworks screen) it should close automatically and when you restart Solidworks should card it as you left it.


I confirm in the 2018 version the pin must be horizontal as if it were placed on the surface and not vertical which means nailed (pinned).


Even a better answer for @ac cobra 427   :-)  :-) :-)


I think you need to register your "Room Model" (extension. PRTDOT)  with the "unpinned" task pane.

When opening a new room, this parameter remains. (SW16 at home)

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We modified the registry to lock the task pane when opened.