The amount of data generated by a function


To lighten the weight of the files, I try to find the functions that weigh the heaviest in my creation tree. Is there a trick or app that allows me to know the volume of data generated by a function, so that I can perhaps look for an alternative solution with a lighter design? Thank you

Taking the Function Statistics tool gives you the time to rebuild all your functions


Function Statistics




The weight of a SolidWorks part is largely caused by the outer surfaces of the part. Thus, the more complex the latter, the greater the weight will be.

Let's take the example of a complex machined shaft with many shapes. Once the 3D is finished, it will weigh several tens of megabytes. If at the end of the creation we create a function covering all the others (without removing them) thus giving a simple cylinder. The coin will only weigh a few bytes.

This trick is useful for sending coins by making the sending easier. The receiver only has to delete the last function to regain the functional forms.

Hoping to have helped you.

Kind regards.