Cut view, declare Fastener component? [SW14]


I have a question, I am in the process of making cross-section views on one of my drawings and I have some screws in section.

For the cut I selected that the screws be excluded from the cut but the problem is that SW doesn't understand that it's screws because it's a "homemade" part, a part file.

So how do you exclude a special component from the cut? Or, how do you define a component (part) as a fastener?

Thank you very much!


The file must have the isfastener = 1 property in its custom properties:

Since you have Axemble support, it is possible to edit in bulk (for a folder or by choosing the files one by one) with the Integration tool.


If I'm not mistaken, the property is IsFastener (you have to respect the capitalization in custom property names).


@.PL: you're cheating, you edited while I was making my message ;-)

In my first answer I had indicated like you that I had to add the isfastener property ;-) After that, I just completed with additional info. ;-)
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