Annotation view of a section


I have some problems with the drawing of my part, so I would like to go through the annotation view to see if it solves my problem. Now my article is a tube with peculiarities inside which is why I would like to place a cup on my M.e.P.. Hence my question, is it possible to make an annotation view of a section please?

I also allow myself to ask a side question: are the annotation views functional under SW 2015 please? Because every time I create one it lags a lot and when I use it in my M.e.P.  SW goes into PLS and tells me that it has stopped working.

Thank you


I would make a configuration with the sections to be able to better see the details of it in my simpler M.E.P and there at least you do as you want and you can replace your standard views with a section view as you wish.

I don't really understand what a "confirmation" is

Dsl is automatic correction.  I wanted to write configuration...

In my case it will not be viable

The plan to use Annotation Views has been abandoned in this case.