3D section view in drawing


I'm trying to figure out how to insert a section view along a chosen orientation in the 3D model.
Same as the 3D view attached for example.
I can create an isometric section view but not a section view with a different orientation.

Thank you in advance.

I guess you use isometric cross-sectional view which effectively does not allow you to reorient the view.
The easiest way I find is to make an additional configuration in your assembly and in this configuration you add the removal of material in the assembly.
You then add the ISO view of this configuration and then you rectify the orientation with this icon:


Ok indeed it's a solution, a bit of a bit of a makeshift but it works :slight_smile: :sweat_smile:
Thank you!

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to rectify the orientation, I am more often used to orient as I want in the 3D model and then update the view palette. It comes down to the same thing but you can better manage the angles in the 3D model using the arrows I think.



Why not name a new oriented view in your 3D (via the view palette, " spacebar " shortcuts) you can then find this orientation in your drawing.

Be careful not to save your new orientation, otherwise it will be part of the reference views... in all other 3Ds).

More explanations here:

Kind regards.


It doesn't change the problem of the cut but for the orientation yes indeed it's a possibility.
Thank you.

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And with a named/saved cut associated with a new view does it work (I haven't tested...)

Kind regards.

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