Warnings and pop up off?

Hi all!


I have a quick question!


Is there a way to remove the pop ups and warnings? because I have one rather... bulky...


"This action will reset your project" which appears I don't know how many times when running a  macro.


I specify that clicking on "ok" doesn't change anything in the end, at least I don't have the impression of it, since the macro works.


Besides this pop-up actually... Which means that the macro used to automate the bursula, well... doesn't automate it so much anymore since we still have to validate all these messages ....



I tried the "Application.DisplayAlerts = False" but without result


Any ideas? ^^'






When I read the beginning of the message, I was thinking of "Application.DisplayAlerts = False", but I don't think there are any other solutions!

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Mmh... I'll try again with it, I may have placed it wrongly, because I have several modules to find my way around, I may not have put it in the right place ^^'


but it's true that before coming to ask my question I rummaged a little on the web and I didn't find anything else

Hello, if you go to options/Messages/errors/warnings.


And select the message that is causing you problems by indicating that it should no longer be displayed?


I wanted to make a screen print but my pc bugs a bit.


That's all I can show.

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Here's the attached image I want to show you!


If your error message appears in this list, check it or uncheck it I don't know anymore


and he will not appear again!

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What you indicate is on the contrary to redisplay an error message that no longer appears.


On the other hand, the idea is good, but we should know if the error message @y.bourbon is talking about has a "Do not show this message again" checkbox. If this is the case, once checked, the message will appear in the list indicated.

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If you have a UserForm, do you use the Unload when you don't need it anymore?


And did you close and reopen everything without using debugging?

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\o/ ~o/ \o~ /o\  This is a victory dance.



Thank you Bart =) After reading your message I was looked at and I found indeed some very annoying messages because they were obvious (like "you can't record this, it's read only"... At the same time, I see it! it's written at the top that it's read-only!)


But the message "This action will reset your project" was not there, so I opened the solidworks macro editor and looked in the options if there was something of the same kind.


And I disabled everything that is tooltips and error messages for "managed" errors!


And after a few tests it seems to work


Thank you to you and thank you to Lucas and Benoit for their answers as well!


Ps: for the moment my macro is only dedicated to one assembly. But as soon as I had generalized it I would share it, because I think it can be rather useful on large assemblies (small ones too by the way) when there are one or more sides to modify and you don't want to open each file =)

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Benoit: indeed, I didn't find the message precisely, I think that the manipulation I did will surprise me when I make some mistakes x)


Lucas: I haven't used any UserForm ^^' it's all done from modules and an ActiveX button. To avoid these unload problems, head in the air as I am, I would have necessarily forgotten to use it by the way

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So it deserves a +1 or even "this answer solved my problem" =) .....



I'm saying that, I'm not saying anything...


Thank you very much friend!


Attention Benoit, I'm coming!! =)

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To close the Off-Topic.


@Bart, I prioritize quality ;-)


This afternoon I'm still doing @Tomalam and next week @fthomas or even @Jose ;-)


For @GT22 and @Lucas I gave up... :D

Ah but absolutely, Benoit, put an answer to say to have a + answer in the stats, no, that's not the goal!


What do you mean by "I do tomalam I do jose etc... " ?


I promise after we close the debate^^



EDIT: Right, you're not far away!!!


Well done!