
Do you know if there is a place on the internet where you can find all the versions of the document WhatsNew.pdf stored in each version of SolidWorks.


FYI it is stored under C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\lang\French\manuals.


I would be interested to consult these previous ones.


Any idea? Unless everyone can communicate a version?


Thank you



They are available on the SolidWorks website, a quick Google search is enough:




Yes, that's enough. Thank you

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If you are an Axemble customer, from the mycadservices website you can download the presentations of the new products presented during the Kikk-offs. 

It's very visual, and it sums up all the new features of a version.


Example: http://www.mycadservices.com/pr%C3%A9sentation-kickoff


Fred, no I don't have that chance anymore... ;-(


Indeed the Kick Off documents were very well done, but I think they stopped.