Are there job offers on lynkoa and how to access them?

There is a group dedicated to this here:


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At the moment, there is only one group created by one of our members in which several job offers have been posted.

This is the "Posts to be filled" group.

Just join the group (button on the right) to be able to post


The group in question:






It should also be noted that the Lynkoa site is in partnership with the CAO-emploi site where you can find a multitude of job offers.


Kind regards



No Bastien...

Lynkoa has NO PARTNERSHIP with Cao-Jobs.


On the other hand, he has one with but it has nothing to do with any job offers in the field of CAD

Good evening petitpro76.


Are you looking for what type of position, located where?....


Good night

I am looking for a position as a mechanical designer (special machine) in Le Havre, Rouen or Evreux.

Hi @petitpro76

Register in + on a site like Indeed

who after registering sorts and selects all the offers via your requettes, position, place

@+ ;-)

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