Drawing numbers in 3D xperienece

Hello, are there any users here who are already working with 3 DXperience?

how did you solve the drawing numbers?
Can the software automatically pull up numbers and assign the same number to the component or assembly and the associated drawing?

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Hello and welcome to the Michael_rinklin forum,
I'm not a 3DXperience user, but it's possible with Solidworks.
Looking at this, what maybe can help...=>https://www.javelin-tech.com/3d/fr/technology/solidworks-drafter/
And see that too =>https://cadbooster.com/37-things-that-confuse-me-about-3dexperience/
And also that=>https://forum.mycad.visiativ.com/t/37-choses-qui-me-deroutent-a-propos-de-3dexperience/112066
Hoping someone will have the most appropriate solution, good luck ... @+.