Zoon is no longer pointer-centric

Hello to you.


I have a problem when I zoom in with the middle wheel of my mouse. The zoom is done but on the center of the screen.

Before zooming it centered on the mouse pointer... which is much better.

While we're at it, I also have problems with the settings of the wheel since I can no longer rotate the view when I push the middle wheel to the left. I try all the possible options and I can't do it, whereas before it worked well. 


If anyone has good ideas in these two concerns, thank you in advance.

Hello Remi.

Thank you for these tips. Indeed it helps a little in my way of functioning, but I don't find the way I worked before.

As proof, when I work on my personal pc, and when I zoom, I go well where the mouse pointer is pointing, while work, it goes to the center of the screen, not the same.

For rotation with the mouse wheels, it doesn't work with a wireless mouse, while with a wired mouse, no problem.

So ok it's the wireless mouse settings, but there the same before I was able to do it, and now it's more average, while I modified all the possible settings...



If it worked before and it reacts more, it means that there has been a modification of the option or software (including driver).

Your second part of the question directs me to the mouse driver update, check in the Windows options if this is the case.

For the first part of the question, don't you have an item selected?



For the remark "I have a problem when I zoom in with the middle wheel of my mouse. The zoom is done but on the center of the screen." checks that the "Zoom around the center of the screen" line is not checked in the "View / Edit" menu

For the second part of the question I can't test, my basic mouse doesn't allow me to. As stefbeno said, possible driver update... or bad contact on the mouse wheel, it's worth testing with another one (problem I already had and which only appeared on SW).

Kind regards

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Hello D Roger.

For the first part of your answer, you were right, the zoom centering on the middle of the screen was active! Phew, something solved. I didn't know this "option".. once again BIG THANK YOU TO YOU!

As for the mouse, I did the driver update, but nothing. So I tested all the possibilities offered by this mouse, and I found (finally...).

In fact you have to put the wheel on "middle button" so that it is possible to rotate ...  

Pff anything ....  

in short we're not going to go any longer, I've already complained enough for a few days.


Thank you again for your moral support to all of you and even more to Roger who wins the prize for this enigma!

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