2 x BOMs / 2 types of numbering (trade and fab)


The need is to nuance the bubble number between manufacturing and purchasing
By attaching two BOMs to the same view or not.

As I said earlier in the conversation
3 solutions with their problems and solutions but none of them brings together all the solutions.

The only one that can be viable is to create a personalized note for each room and thus recall it in a column (nomenclature) and in a personalized bubble. But here again, this forces you to get your hands dirty and therefore the risk of recurring errors.

For the screens I won't have time this week I'll get organized

I'll have to write a method and probably go through a bogus assembly so I'll present the solutions that we have reviewed without success.


Adding a column is the solution that will probably be the only viable one, in my case, normally supplier/product reference information can be inserted.

It is on the basis of the BE document that the methods and Purchasing work. If documents allow you to read quickly, identifying the elements is a good omen.
In addition, there is also the verification of the plans: if you ask someone to check a bundle of plans, if the method is manual or automatic, the verification will be easier and the errors will be fewer. If the presentation is differentiated, it is also easier to verify or obtain information.

In the best of all worlds, I grant you.

This kind of problem is an opportunity to change the company and the connections between the different departments.
It is necessary to think about it together, to analyze the possible, the impossible in the desideratas of each one.
And if you need to develop an interface that will save time and limit non-conformities, it's all good.
And for the current topic I don't think it's possible to have 2 article numbers for the same article.


Sorry but it's still not clear.
Can a part in have the 2 numbering (fab and trade)?

:sweat_smile:@Le_BiduleWow, I notice that it's often empirical, in REX mode from case to business, and from case to case.
I don't like it, but that's how it is!
When I am detached to do only that and implement this kind of policy, then I will agree with your point of view. For the moment I see that the overall view does not exist, we are on a case-by-case basis. A systemic implementation in a company is a budget!

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No, it cannot have two numbering (one piece)
In my case I want to have two types of numbering on a set (I expressed myself badly)

One for Manufactured parts: 1,2,3, etc...
The other for commercial coins: 100,101,102, etc.

With two nomenclatures:
One for manufactured parts
The other for commercial parts

I have managed to obtain results, which are not suitable, for the following reasons:
Numbering ok
Bubble ok

Too cumbersome method
Manual Bubble Application
Drawing error in view (Function view from another position)

The objective is to make the plan easier to read and easily isolate the elements of the trade. But you have to be sure that the elements are on the plane, because the method is partly manual, by which I mean bubbling for example.

@Silver_Surfer Am I clearer?

And on the same view

Strange functioning/reasoning but well...

With us, the difference between the elements (whether they are parts or assemblies) is simply made in the nomenclature in the " Supplier " column, if there is a name in this column => it's commercial; otherwise it's manufactured.

In addition, all our creations (manufactured) have a file name that starts with 5 digits while the commercial elements all have alphabetic values (a summary of the designation).

This mode of operation is fatally common to any type of software capable of publishing a bill of materials.



I've been working on SolidWorks for a long time, I've seen everything, indeed the supplier + supplier reference column too. But this need is not ridiculous, even for designers.

After that, we can, we can't, we don't do it, we mustn't be stubborn. Anyway, this kind of thing is done at the beginning of the case, not after 9 months.
Then with macros, but again you have to test, test, test...

I've been working on Inventor for a few months and the flexibility on this kind of subject is quite amazing. Managing the bill of materials in 3D saves us time. You fill in everything, the way is quite simple to understand is a two-way street: the part fills in the nomenclature and the nomenclature fills in the parts.


I think that the method sought is better explained and illustrated :sweat_smile:

The result is not complete, if other ideas come to mind, I'm all for it!

Very nice presentation in any case with the pros and cons :slight_smile:

But I see that you haven't included the solution of an additional column to " check " for the parts to buy?

Thank you for the recap.
But if you don't want to make an extra column appear to manage an additional " Manufactured / Purchased " (or other) attribute, personally, I'll ask the question on the forum if it's not possible by macro to automatically add a defined number of empty rows in the nomenclature to manage a number " jump ".

You can see that there are two nomenclatures (manufacturing / trade)
I am asked to make this distinction.

The problem again is that the result obtained comes from a hack by hijacking the function " seen from another position ". And the consequence of the errors of the line and therefore of the drawing.

The addition of empty lines, I think it will pose another problem the day I add a manufactured part or the other way around :thinking:.
If I launch this macro it adds lines so that my commercial items start their numbering at 100, and then I add a manufactured part in a future revision, I have to restart the macro.

The idea at the beginning is that the method is simple with the SolidWorks buttons and automatic (even if the macro is a click). Now we're going to a gas factory. As the time given to the test or to the implementation of the methods is not enough I prefer to forget, I have enough work :sweat_smile: .


Following various unsuccessful attempts, we have a priori found a fairly simple solution.
As a reminder, the idea was to separate the manufactured element from the commercial elements in the nomenclature, and in the automatic bubble, therefore associated with the part in the drawing
The method:
Insert a Model View
Insert a BOM
Insert the bubble (before or after the numbering process, it doesn't matter)
Export the BOM to Excel (Click on the BOM, save as in .xls format).
Open the BOM in Excel
Perform your numbering processing on the number column
Copied the column with your new numbering, copied there into SolidWorks and into the correct column.
Normally the bubbles update automatically

The idea of going through Excel allows you to quickly process a set. The solution remains a manual solution to manage automatically in the bubble.
It's simple actually!!

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Glad you were able to find a solution and thank you for your feedback :slight_smile:

Sorry if you had told me earlier I hadn't read it or not understood it in the sense that I thought that the bubble was not automatic.
Thank you.
Don't hesitate to insist heavily :grinning:

We have planned this solution to allow us to sort the nomenclatures.
Buying, Manufacturing, Bolting.
And we will apply what you explained to me and that I explained again on the numbering column.
Thanks again

I would like to take the liberty of intervening to warn you about updates. Adding parts, changing tables (trade/fab), material, quantity, etc...
I also fiddled a lot with the bills of materials, and to make sure that everything appears well this implies a tedious but essential control so as not to drag errors that can have a significant cost, as well as a possible loss of credibility.

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Hello Bidule,

" Logically ", on our side, the column is hidden so it does not intervene at the level of the distinction of parts contained in the nomenclature. They just allow us to classify the elements and process them by saving them under the nomenclature in Excel format.
Then we will repatriate the necessary columns with the new numbering, so far the method works.
Where I'm still a little curious to see is when we're going to separate the nomenclatures into 2 shops & bolts / manufactured parts.
For the loss of credibility, I think that, where I am, the work is no longer to be done, and I didn't need to force it :sweat_smile:
But we will try to do the best we can
Thank you for your feedback and advice