About the validity of points

Hello to the community


I just received the email from lynkoa about the rewards in 2014 and I learned that the validity of the points was only effective for the current 12 months (information that I had not read before but it's not a problem).


My question is therefore to know if it is possible to know the expiration date of these points before they expire (by displaying it directly in the account) without having to go to the last page of the rewards and look at the dates.


This way, everyone could know if they have X number of days left to use them or lose them.


Thank you


Sincerely, franck


The topic is already open via @flegendre

See the link below


@+ :-)



By clicking on your profile you can see the days since registration. Well, it only works for the first year^^




For your information, from the T&Cs of Lynkoa (http://www.lynkoa.com/cgu), details on the use of points:


Points are earned in 4-month periods

January to April

May to August

September to December


Points earned during one of these periods can be used in the gift shop for the next 2 periods.

Example :

30 points earned on January 2, 2014

30 points earned on April 8, 2014

That is 60 points acquired over the period from January to April.

These 60 points are to be used in the gift shop before January 1st , 2015

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Any news since 2014? And yes in 5 days we will lose points, but how much?

Do I have to use them before May 1st?

The lost points are clearly indicated in the "My Account" section, but it is impossible to know if you should use your points before: on May 1st you learn that you have lost points that were still valid the previous day...

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I see that I have 1166 pts and below it is written "including 1076 pts for the shop" which corresponds to the 90 pts lost while on Friday I still have the 1166 pts available for the shop

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I lost 1285 points, I went below 12,000...

If I had known before exactly how many points I was going to lose, I could have ordered a gift before...

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ah its made a lot of points in less =S I think we must lose about 7 or 8% of our total points (if I calculated correctly eh^^' )

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No, in fact you lose the points you got more than 8 months ago (excerpt from my answer above):

Points are earned in 4-month periods

January to April

May to August

September to December


Points earned during one of these periods can be used in the gift shop for the next 2 periods.

Example :

30 points earned on January 2, 2014

30 points earned on April 8, 2014

That is 60 points acquired over the period from January to April.

These 60 points are to be used in the gift shop before January 1st , 2015

So in fact we lose the points won over the same period the year before is it?

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I thought that these points were useless... thanks for the info


Yes, on May 1, 2016, we lost the points earned before September 1, 2015.


I have the -800 points balls, it's a real shame to lose points so easily that have been  well deserved. don't hesitate to vote "up" because I need 800 to recover my loss =>go go  go




@Obi WAN

to console you ;-)

01/01/2016These points have expired-4 509
01/05/2015These points have expired-3 936
01/09/2015These points have expired-3 348
01/09/2016These points have expired-1 345
01/05/2016These points have expired         -0 653

.... TOTAL OF MY EXPIRED POINTS........................... -13,791

and I'm not even talking about the rest of the points deducted for X reason

@+ ;-)



me if .pl hadn't warned me that they have a DLC; I would have lost them too.... :-(


In fact, the problem is not really losing points, these are the rules and you have to accept them!

The problem is that we are not even warned that we will lose points and when exactly...

So I was holding an Excel file to find out...

Now I don't have time to answer, so you have free rein!

I consider myself lucky to have lost only 3000 points in 3 years...


And a little note, now points are hard to earn, but at the very beginning of Lynkoa, it was easier:

 . 30 points for the connection each day instead of 5,

 . 10 points for an UP vote instead of 1,

 . and the 18,000-point gifts were only worth 12,000 points!!



And pan -2000 points, Happy New Year 2017!!!! there it goes.



What did you lose 2000pts on all or on the pts usable in the shop???

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