About Positioned Sketching


When using a positioned sketch, there are several choices of options for choosing the origin (implicit, part origin, point pa projection and others...)

I understand these differences well except the first two (implicit and origin of the piece). 

Do you have any explanatory elements on these 2 choices?

A small example on these two choices would be very useful to me (I make a little call to Franck).

Thank you for your help.

See you soon


I think I can answer

For "Part Origin", the sketch coordinate system will be a projection of the part coordinate system in the sketch.

Implicit is useful in cases where your sketch support is not a plan. For example if your support is made up of 2 intersecting lines (I don't know what it's for but we can). Your sketch coordinate system will be created at the intersection of the lines.

Personally I only use plans and I couldn't help you much more on the issue


When you make a Positioned Sketch with Part Origin, the H and V axes will have as their origin a projected point of the Part Origin

For implicit your origin will be at the place where you will click to select your plane and your axes will be parallel to those of the part


Implicit : The origin of the sketch coordinate system corresponds to the projection on the sketch support of the part origin (normal)  to the previously selected sketch  support .

Part Origin : Allows you to force the same behavior as (Implicit) when selecting 2 straight lines or a plane of a coordinate system as the sketching support.

I have attached an illustration video

@ m.jeanpierre

Am I interested in the manipulation ? (where you go to click it doesn't work)

"for implicit your origin will be at the place where you will click to select your plane and your axes will be parallel to those of the room"

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