MyCadServices Subscription



What do you think of the MyCadServices subscription?




It depends on which level you choose:


The hotline is efficient, but so is Lynkoa!


The privilege subscription entitles you to MyCAD utilities and many other things and it's worth it!

We couldn't do without SmpartProperties now, after that, it's up to you according to the prices of each utility, but it should be noted that if you buy a utility on Lynkoa, I'm not sure you have the right to updates, if you change the version of SolidWorks in particular.



I find access to the bicycles convenient too, no need to search on TracePart AND Padenas, on the MyCADservices site, you know directly which provider and on which site, and you can access it in one click!


The preferred package is worth it just for MyCAD tools and smart properties!!! There are nice utilities like smartbom to make linear layout, it's really not bad!


Hi Stéphane.

Of course, utilities are really useful. Of course there are SmartProperties, but SmartBom, Integration or BatchConverter are really convenient to use and above all save a lot of time and remove a large number of possible errors. In addition, the Elearning available with the privilege subscription allows you to use them correctly.

Lynkoa will never replace the Hotline, this is my personal opinion, because the latter allows direct access with the developers of the utilities and can report bugs to SolidWorks.


Bottom line, I sincerely think it's worth it. Even if your company only has one or two SolidWorks licenses.


Give us more information anyway if you want more precise information.


Kind regards.


Like everyone else, MyCADTools utilities are really a big plus.


SmartProperties, BatchConverter, Powerprint, Update Version, Integration (very very good and very complete tool) tools that seem simple but save a lot of time. Not to spoil anything, they are quite ergonomic!


The Hotline is efficient (even tenacious!)  and professional !!


For a year, I haven't had access to it anymore (change of company) and my new distributor is light years away for this kind of tool. ;((



I like negative reviews so I'll give some of them ^^

The vans are pretty well made but we'll never use them all... They are very specific to certain applications... It's better to buy the van that will serve you as a safe one rather than buying everything and realizing that there is only one that is really useful to you... And then the day you change gearboxes and you don't have your vans anymore, you find yourself all lost, you have to learn how to use SW again;p

Finally... It's just my personal opinion, my company bought the privilege subscription and I found that it was a bit of money thrown in the air, with a few macros, some well thought out configs, two or three shortcuts...  You don't really need to have all that...

A small positive point for the road: The Hotline is really efficient, fast and the people on the other end of the line are really understanding and friendly!!

I recommend the Support subscription, the Privilege subscription is a little too much for my taste;)

Kind regards



Do not confuse the SolidWorks maintenance contract (which gives access to the "excellent" Axemble Hotline via the Mycadservice site) and the Mycadservice Privilege access which gives access to utilities. 


For me, the "Mycadservices Privilege" investment is really worth it. This comes at a cost (quite insignificant, if you are an Axemble customer I think, compared to the SolidWorks maintenance contract) so you have to use it and abuse it until you are thirsty!!!!!


It is true that we do not use all utilities far from it, perhaps Axemble should think about one or more "Utility Packs" with in particular

  1. a "Nomenclature" Pack including:
  • Smartproperties
  • Smartbom
  1. An "Automation" Pack including
  • Integration
  • BatchCoverter


I agree with @Lucas P: Lynkoa is very efficient today for SolidWorks problems (thanks to all of us) and faster than the Hotline on 90% of problems.