Display of drawing blocks in PDF, visual that changes?


I couldn't find a topic that talked about it so I come here.

 When saving a drawing in pdf format, the display of my blocks changes.

On my document, the blocks represent symbols of lubrication. In pdf format these blocks become slightly transparent and you can see the mechanism behind them.

It's as if they take a back seat when saving as a PDF. They are therefore much less visible. :/

Do you have any solutions?

Thank you!







I would like to point out that I am talking here about the filling of my block which becomes transparent. 

If I print the MEP directly, no problem, but if I generate a PDF the filling of my block becomes transparent. 

If I define layers I don't change anything.

I keep digging...  


You go directly through SW's PDF registration or you use a virtual printer type: Cuter PDF Writer (which I actually use as soon as I make PDF) here is the link just in case: https://www.pdfpro10.com/fr/o/writer/LP/V1/?product=pdfwriter&utm_source=google&utm_medium=ppc&utm_term=pdf%20writers_p&utm_content=ad3&utm_campaign=FRA-S_PDF-Writer

Of course as long as you have the right to install it on your computer.

I advise you to convert this type of file to ( dwg) and then integrate it into a block.

Thank you for your reactions.


 @FUZ3d I tried automatic recording via PDM as well as manual recording, but nothing helps. Surprisingly with a virtual printer it works well, but it's mostly automatic recording that interests me here.

@dlebrun_1 I'll try, thank you!

 @blazyf I didn't understand correctly, where do I find this option? Is it via your link?




I found a solution.

As I think @Blazyf meant, you have to play with the display style of the drawing views concerned.

Contrary to what I usually do, you don't have to have a "high quality" but a "draft quality" display style.

In addition, when saving as a PDF, make sure to check the saving options and uncheck "High-quality shaded edges".

Thank you all