Viewing decal images

Hi all 

I would like to know if anyone has found the solution to solve the problem of displaying decal images, let me explain: 

When I open a room with a decal, the decal image doesn't load, and so it doesn't display it. 

If I go to edit the decal, it appears with an error (see screenshot 1).

But the image pointed in the decal is indeed in the folder and I got the folder (on PDM).

The only way I found to "solve" this problem is to close SolidWorks, open the image (I think it caches it somewhere) and then I reopen the reapperable decal without errors... (Capture 2) 

But it's still really not practical... Does anyone know about this problem and find a more permanent solution to solve it??  

FYI, I work on SolidWorks in folders in PDM and the images of the decals are located in the PDM as well. 

Thank you in advance for your help. 




Chances are, EPDM doesn't handle decal files very well.

otherwise Solidworks already has trouble with part links referencing other parts (inserting one part into another): under SW2020 Sp3.0 the Tools/Options/External references/Load referenced documents parameter is not stable and jumps all the time. You have to set it to "all" or "modified only" to hope that SW updates the part properly after modifying the subpart.

It is possible that the decals are also managed at this level.


In the options you can check the box to store the decals in the Solidworks part file.

That should solve your problem^^


Thank you dzwald, indeed I didn't know this function, I'll see if it works. 

Also I think I have to create a decal each time rather than modifying the standard decal with the link to a personal image. 

Thank you for your feedback anyway;) 

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