Displaying the names of the planes on the work screen


Can we disable the display of the names of the shots on the work screen? Indeed, when there are many planes (reference geometries) displayed on the working screen, the visibility is quite average.

Thank you in advance.



Hide the fact that the name is not possible to my knowledge. On the other hand, hide all the planes, yes by using the display options (eye icon at the top of the graphic area).

It all depends on whether you need quick access to the plans or not.


Thank you, that's what I thought, for the time being to hide everything with the eye I saw this function.

Used to catiaV5, the display of geometric planes in SolidWorks annoys me a little.

You can also right-click on the map, and use the little eye to hide the map individually

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well finally I have to believe that it's not possible to hide just the names of the shots.

Thank you.

Have a nice day.

No, this is not an option that SolidWorks has.


The only solution I can see to have more visibility would be to number them, less visual clutter.

@ac cobra 427 : Indeed, that's what some users on the Solidworks forum recommend. Now you have to have a hell of a memory to remember who is what and especially in case of modification by another it can become complex.

Thank you all, too bad we'll deal with it.