Permanently display job descriptions

Hi all


How to permanently display job descriptions in the Creation Tree.


Thank you





Try to put your description in the comment and when you hover your mouse over it will be displayed!



You need to modify your part model (.prtdot) by enabling this tree display option.

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I'm going off topic a bit, but a way that may be easier than descriptions is to change the name of the function directly!

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I didn't understand the question

In the feature manager the function icons are present and visual

unless one function integrates another

and if all the + are open we have the whole construction tree

The best way to find these little ones is to name each sketch, and functions

but you can also find sketches and functions by clicking on the part or part of parts


@+ ;-)

In the sw options, you have the possibility to name each function as soon as you create it.

Is that your question?



A little info, hoping that I understood the question of @fhamard (the terms used in the question are precise so I'm confident)!


In a room, functions have a default name (Extrusion,...) that can be changed, but they also have a description! (Right-click on a function/property).


In fact, this description can be displayed in the Feature Manager next to the function name by right-clicking on the first row of the tree/Tree View/Function description. But this option is, it seems to me, specific to each file. So to see it all the time, you need to change the part model.


Now what would be interesting to know is what use you make @fhamard of this description rather than changing the name of the function? You may have a trick here that may interest people!


a screenshot is welcome


to understand the problem


which version of SW


What is the name of the images of the functions that you are missing in the toolbars


@+ ;-)


By right-clicking on the name of your file (in the creation tree) you can go to "View tree" and then check "Show job descriptions". But you had already done that, I think.

This option is saved with the current document. So if you save a document template (prtdot), every time you use that template you will have the descriptions of the functions that will be visible.

Kind regards 
