Heads-up display

Hello, good evening dear Designer!

For a while now, I've been using the 2014 - 2015 Student Edition version. In all previous versions, it was possible for me to have the heads-up display, the tool bare integrated into the workspace. Unfortunately on this version, I can't find it. However, the "heads-up display" option in the custom menu is checked.

A solution?

Thank you for your answer:)

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For me, the heads-up display can be found here: tools/Customize/Heads-up display

Have a nice day



Your heads-up display may simply not be personalized. To do this, make sure that the option is active (which seems to be your case), right-click on the task manager, and then go to "Customize". Go to the Command tab, from there you can drag all the icons that you think will be useful in heads up.



Resetting the SolidWorks settings will probably fix the problem, see my tutorial here:



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I think like @g.leluyer, you have to check sir in the menu, High Aim is checked. We have the same thing with the Task Pane.

To do this, right-click on the menu and check if these optional menus are checked:

Otherwise, go to Customize...

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The heads-up display is checked but nothing is displayed. I can drag functions all over the screen. No visible fringe point. I restored the factory settings. still nothing.


  Sometimes the heads-up display and  toolbar are hidden from the menu. So I advise you to double-check your menu. If that doesn't work, turn off your computer by pressing power right away. It's a silly trick but it worked for me.