Display the Z of a 3D point

so already in fact you use AutoCAD map while I am on AutoCAD 2016
There may be differences between the two I don't know, I've never used AutoCAD map...

If you just put dots in an empty plane and you run the lisp program, what is the behavior?

Could you send me your Dwg file so that I can test it on my side

In a blank drawing where I make dots nothing happens

Here's my DWG plan


so apparently it's a problem of text height
I suggest you modify it manually because not too much time to write the code to
To do this , you type "style" in the command bar

A window should appear with the different styles of text contained in your map
The default selected style is the standard one so that's the one we're going to change

you select it, and where you have height, you put 0.35

apply , close

All that remains is to rerun the program

I just made a new version by adding a rounding to 2 digits after the decimal point because it's a bit heavy on the screen 

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ah that's perfect,

Just one last question to be more than perfect

Why don't all the texts appear stuck to my point, some are off the point 

I shifted it voluntarily to see the point
there they are shifted by 1mm from the point
it may be a bit much considering you scale

It happens at the level of this line in the program
you can edit it via blocnote

(setq pt1 (list (+ (car (vlax-safearray->list (vlax-variant-value (vla-get-coordinates obj)))) 1)

The 1 you have at the end represents the offset

Maybe we should move the subject to resolution in order to close it

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the file doesn't work anymore, it puts "-text" back to me instead of my dot z


It's definitely the same as last time
the default font size that is too large


Oh yes it's true thank you

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