Show hidden edges

I would like to know if there is a technique to display the hidden edges of a body.
Let me explain my need: in a drawing of an assembly I know that you can display the hidden edges of a component that would be in the background to show only it (I remind you that I am in the case of a "hidden lines removed" display style).
The idea would be to display only certain bodies of this component.
Is this possible? because I've tried a lot of things and I'm starting to believe that this maneuver is not feasible.

Thank you

Hello @ronathan

Happy to see you back with us :grin:

look hiding one side on the model

Here is the ASM with the hidden piece in green.

It's a bit cluttered but easy to implement otherwise you have The PropertyManager Cross-sectional view (models)

PropertyManager controls section views in parts and assemblies documents.

Let's wait for the super strong guys to respond better

Kind regards

By hiding the bodies of your component that you don't want to see the hidden edges, it must have worked I think.


In practice there is a way to show only the hidden edges of a single feature of a part (just select the feature in the tree on the left, right-click and choose 'show hidden edges').
There is a 90% chance of being able to do the same either by selecting the body in the tree or by selecting the function that created the body.


Hi Zozo, yes back after a long silence on my part (I'm going to try to contribute again to the enrichment of the CAD community!)
To get back to the subject, I just tested the froussel solution and it's a real miracle for me.
Here is the result with a visible hidden edge assembly on the left and the hidden edge assembly on the right and only the tip of the cylinder and the visible edge clevis.
This will be really useful for my next boards.
Thank you very much

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Hello @ronathan

Glad that @froussel's solution suits you.
You don't have to go to Lourdes for miracles, thanks to MyCad the real miracle in a few clicks.
Soon we will have the mascot that we can put on our desk for difficult miracles.

Small suggestion you could close the subject by choosing the right miraculous answer :smiley:

See you soon! I can't wait for us to benefit from your knowledge!

Kind regards

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