Show or hide sides thanks to the room family?



I have a part with part family and the part contains functions that I "s" or "ns" with the part family so only one config that evolves in shape and I want to display only the dimensions of the 'ns' functions in automatic and remove the dimensions of the 's' functions and vice versa?

How to do it....

Thank you very much

by playing on the "annotation" attribute of the dimensions?


PS: tried to edit your question, it is obviously missing a few words which makes it difficult to understand


You can check the option "Hide dimensions and wobbly annotations" in the properties of your drawing (slddrw), under the wrapping section (see image of SW13).

To check that it suits your needs. If so, you can generalize it by changing this property on your drawing template.

Be careful, with this option, if you don't hang your drawing dimensions on the "source" edges (the most upstream volume functions of your tree), you risk having dimensions that disappear unintentionally.


Excuse me, the question may not have been clear. 

I would like to know what is the right method so that in my drawing I always see the dimensions of the 'ns' functions and the dimensions of the 's' functions do not appear.

Should I dimension my view in the drawing with smart dimensioning? 

Where to use the object of the template? (Not great, the unmarked dimensions for the drawing still appear..?)

Or another solution...?

The goal is  to have nothing to do in the drawing once it is edited! Not even  move the sides!

Can you help me...?

Thank you

I persist with the "annotation" attribute of the dimensions (so marked for the drawing).

If when you import the objects from the model you have unmarked dimensions appearing, it means that you have activated the option (this is the second icon from the left in the dimensions box of the import panel.

In the same panel, at the bottom in the "Options" block, there is a "Use dimension placement in sketch" checkbox. This involves placing the dimensions while sketching. I'm not sure it's a win compared to placing them after display.

Since it's for a family of rooms, if you stay in the same order of size, once the drawing is done for a room (ideally the largest, it avoids unpleasant surprises), it's easy to decline it for the other members of the family and the dimensions should stay in place.

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Hello Steffbeno,

I didn't check the button you're talking about!

I don't understand...

On the other hand, if I do:' Import design annotations' of the model when inserting the view it works: the dimensions not marked for the drawing are not there.

What is the Annotation attribute of the dimensions, what do you mean by it...?

Regarding the placement of the dimensions I tried what you tell me, but the size varies a little too much and as in the sketch it also moves...

Can dimexpert help me?or the layers? or redo my model by constraining all the dimensions on planes, points, axes to make them appear or disappear...?

Thank you for your help

As much as for me, the attrubt is not "annunciation" but "marking for the drawing"


To understand your question:

- you only want to display the dimensions of the functions


- Do you want to display either the dimensions of the S functions or the dimensions of the Ns functions?

In the first case, my method should be suitable;

in the second, the layers can work (I haven't tested...)




Yes, I unchecked this attribute for the dimensions concerned, but they are still imported by the objects command of the mmodel. ....!

I don't see myself using layers either because I have about 200 different configurations so as many layers needed...

I obviously want to display only the dimensions of the ns functions.

And when I change the configuration of the model I want the dimensions of the functions s to disappear and the dimensions of the functions ns to appear...

I can't believe that a software like solidworks can't do this...!?

Hello everyone,

Solved with the help of cadware technician.

Everything is possible by macro.

Placement of the dimensions and import of the desired dimensions according to the configuration....

Thank you