Help with the modeling of a part


I am asking for your help for the modeling of a furniture wrist.

To quickly put you in context: as part of my training in cabinetmaking, I reproduced a chest of drawers  from the 18th century. I now  want to make his brass fittings. And for this I would like to make a 3D print of the wrists in order to have a model to reproduce in a brass casting .

I had the opportunity a few years ago to use solidworks in the school environment. I feel comfortable with the basics of this software but I'm a beginner. And after a few hours of unsuccessful attempts, I dry up modeling this handle.

I will spare you the details of my unsuccessful attempts and the different spontaneous approaches.  In the end I don't know how to formulate my search and find information to solve my problems. It seems easier to ask you how you would go about modeling this wrist. I'm sure it's going to seem extremely simple to you.

You will find a photo attached.

Thank you in advance for your help.




Note that I have difficulties with the wrist itself. No problem for decorative sheet metal and balls 


Good evening

Don't be mistaken, it's not extremely simple ;-)  ;-)

Like that, at first reading, without having thought more than that , I would say work on one half and make a symmetry.

  1. A revolution boss for the right part
  2. a smoothed bossed base for the curved part.
  3. A symmetry to finish.

I'll look at it and I'll get back to you ;-)

Kind regards


That reassures me a little:) 
I was wondering if it is possible to guide the diameter of a circular profile by two curves?

How do you make a curved tube with variable diameter?

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Good evening

Here's a look at what's possible.

I did the simplest part which is the 1st of my previous message

On the other hand, is it to make just the shape or is it to produce behind the piece?


The goal would be to produce a 3D printed copy in order to have a model to copy and do sand casting.

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In your case, unless you already make sand molds (which is rather rare for cabinetmakers  ;-)   ), you would rather do lost-wax casting which gives a better precision and a better surface finish which facilitates the polishing behind. It is  also much easier to implement.

Kind regards

Good evening 

Yes, it is possible to guide the diameter by two different curves. After that, it would also be possible to consider doing the handle in several stages. I could try to look if you like! 

Kind regards 

With pleasure!

The real handle has 3 parts (one of which is used twice):
- the decoration plate
- the "nails"
- the handle itself

Do you want to keep the principle or just make a one-piece piece?

I will still start with a 3-piece model, which I will export once assembled.
For nails, it's a simple revolution with a hole.
For the plate, there is symmetry, so trace only half of the part and make an overall symmetry at the end. It is a "simple" extrusion, perhaps to be done in several times so as not to have too complex sketches.
For the handle, another symmetrical piece, so we do half and then a symmetry. Overall it's a part of revolution (for the central part), a swept smoothing (for the conical fitting that goes to find the "axes" that enter the nails) and a revolution for the axes.


here is your part under SW 2017

to put aside is for the principle pay attention to the bending radius especially in volume 

See attached file 

@+ ;-)


Thank you very much for these tips. Thanks to this little help, I managed to model the handle. I hadn't thought of mixing revolution and swept smoothing. 

Thanks again!

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Big thank you GT22!! Awesome this piece!