SolidWorks Macro Help


In SolidWorks 2016, when I am in the macro editing window, I do not have access to the "SolidWorks API Help" which is on my computer.

When I click on the question mark in this window (top right) it shows that I am using Microsoft Visual Basic Help for Applications"

How could I force the use of "SolidWorks API Help" to make my job easier.

Thank you in advance for your answers.

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See this link



Hello and thank you for the link you sent me.

However, despite my research, I can't manage to configure the editor with the help of "SolidWorks API Help". It remains stuck on "Visual Basic"

However, on my local computer, the "SolidWorks API Help" folder stored under C:\Program Files\SOLIDWORKS Corp\SOLIDWORKS\api is well filled and when I click on ?/API Help Topics the help is displayed. Unfortunately, this help is not associated with the SW macro editor.

I can't figure out where I need to intervene to allow the macro editor to use "SolidWorks API Help" instead of "Visual Basic".

Hello mbrel34

Who is your publisher?


The editor I'm using is the one provided in SolidWorks 2016.

you will find the API help from the "?" of solidworks and not in the Visual basic editor

I advise you to descativer "use the help on the web.... "