Hello As part of a personal project (Trophy for in-house 3D printing), I would like to modify the attached 3D model (stl). The goal is to remove the base with the vegetation and also if possible to slightly smooth the 3d model (Too complex and very heavy) when importing into SW. Could you advise me a simple software to carry out this manipulation in a software other than SW which is in my opinion not at all suitable for this modification. Unless a forumer manages to do it for me without spending 3 hours and give it back to me cleaned and why not in a SW format (for mounting with the other objects)
indeed impossible for SW to open it other than in graph, so not editable. I did a quick test under Freecad, it opens it very well, on the other hand to modify it is obviously possible having managed to remove the base, but you have to rebuild behind it in any case, since the back pastes are in the grass. There is a hole filling function, I also saw that in the list there was a smoothing function.
Also to be tested in blender, in any case they are free software. Otherwise, if you like the Autodesk suite, you can access it for " personal " projects.