Mechanical movement production assistance

Hi all

I am taking the liberty of coming to you because I am looking for advice or a solution to make a mechanical movement. I tried several types of constraints but nothing helped.

I want to make an automotive handbrake movement, with an anchor point of the lever for the rotation of it and have a part linked to the lever but higher on the part, which pushes a spring to simulate resistance.

But when I do the standard constraints, the system is totally constrained and no longer moves. I don't see how to do this one at all.

I'm putting you some pictures hoping that this is meaningful

Idle version:

Version au repos

Active version:


Thank you in advance for your answers

I guess that in the "active" position, the part that was in blue has a coaxial connection with the horizontal rod, so it's normal that there is no more degree of freedom.
A pivotal link would be needed at the head of the rod.


I realize that I haven't really explained the desired movement

In the active version, the part that is in blue pushes the blue part of the rest version horizontally and that slides on the screw (the spring is not shown but it is positioned on the screw)

The screw is fixed in the block on the left which is perforated

The lever attachment is the rotation at the bottom of the active blue version.


@stefbeno: for you, the screw connection at the blue part (active version) should be pivotal.

I found an example of movement on this video: at about 7.05 min.

So, given the video, especially around 1'23 (we can see that the stem has a mushroom-shaped head and is not guided), the n°1 rod, in addition to sliding, must be able to oscillate in a vertical plane in relation to the carcass.

From a modeling/realization point of view, it involves making a vertical oblong in the room where the rod is currently embedded and constraining the axis of the rod on the central point of this oblong.

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Ok I understand, unfortunately the rod N°1 must be fixed and not move, it's part 2 that slides on the 1 and it is pushed by 3. Indeed, I just understood that in the video the screw is not fixed, it moves by means of a rubber.

If I understand correctly, room 1 must have a slight vertical "play"? like in the video.

And then make a constraint on a point to allow a rotation?

  Hello @Stefbeno

If I immerse myself in the design of the video, I just have to make a round hole (the easiest to machine) and put the diameter of the axis (which is a smaller diameter than the guide hole) tangent with the edge of the hole. This gives you an articulation that is very close to real life and the physical model seen in the video.

What do you think?

Kind regards

@Beloute: you have understood everything about what was blocking. Why insist that part 1 be blocked?
For modeling, you either create a point in the center of the hole and constrain the axis of part 1 on that point, or you apply the @Zozo_mp method.

@Zozo_mp: It's a way of doing things, but I'm wary of the constraint of tangency, which is sometimes facetious and can turn around.
It's true that the oblong is perhaps a bit rich as a solution given the angular travel.

Thank you for your answers!

In terms of machining, it will be very simple, it's 3D printing so I can afford to make the shapes I want.

@Zozo_mp: that I understand your idea, the axis (part 1) would be tangent to the edge of the guide hole of part 2 (the axis passing through)? and indeed the diameter of room 1 is indeed smaller than that of room 2

@Stefbeno: Part 1 is screwed into the block on the left so it's impossible to be mobile. Or alternatively, fix the axis on the other side of this same block.

I'll try that tomorrow and I'll tell you again if ever.  ;)

Thank you again.

You say: "part 1 is screwed into the block on the left" but it is also screwed into room 2, right?
In this case, it can't work. Don't forget the spring around part 1 that rests on the left block and part 2.

Why do you absolutely want room 1 to be fixed?

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