Adding Material to a Chassis (Defined by a Skeleton)


I designed a mechanism for which each of the parts was made using a skeleton.

I would like to add material (volume) quickly from the skeleton for the parts that lend themselves to it. These parts are parts like a chassis where I would like to add a cylinder of material around the wireframe elements of my skeleton.

To do this, I chose to use the Swipe  Volume tool, which allows me to create a volume in the Generative Shape Design Workbench from a guide curve and a swiped surface.

This tool suits me very well, however, I would like to know if it is possible to ask the tool to follow the curve until the generated volume arrives on another volume.

Here is an illustration to better understand my problem:

An option "Stop volume generation at the first volume encountered" would allow me not to have to modify my starting skeletons too much to add the desired material.

Do you know of an option to stop adding volume as soon as you encounter another volume?

Thank you in advance for your advice

I don't know if you can do it directly but if you make several parts bodies, you can split (or cut. It's the icon with a saw) your volume at the level of the junction surface with the other volume.

OK. Thank you for your help.

On the other hand, I would like to take a few more steps.

Because when I select the saw and then a part body, CATIA looks like it selects any object contained in the part body. In short, I can't find my little ones with this tool yet.

Hello, it only works if there is material on both sides:

A remark: there is the same command in Part Design "Rib", it does exactly the same thing. I don't advise you to work in "volume" There are only the student licenses that have all the workshops.




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OK. Thank you for your clarifications.

OK. Maybe I'll use the Part Design Workbench and the "Rib" feature next time. On the other hand, I find that this method has the disadvantage of having to define a sketch. However, with the Volume Scan tool I don't need to define a sketch.

In the Volume Scan tool, I don't see the rebounded rib option?

Is there an equivalent somewhere?

Thank you in advance for your advice


Don't you have to select the surfaces of your volumes via the "Relimiting 1" and "Relimiting 2" boxes?

Edit: answer deleted (question error)

I tried to put the restrictors on volume surfaces but a priori it doesn't work.

If you have any other ideas about this tool.

Solution used:
- Scan Volume function 
- Using relimiters with points created using intersection

Good evening I don't have the modules that allow you to create the volume functions, so I would have used the surface scan function, create normal planes to the guide placed before the cylinders.

It is these planes that we select as limiting elements (it must work with your function, it is a closed cylindrical surface that CATIA cannot select as a limiting element, no PB with a flat surface.

After I don't know in the volume functions if there is the equivalent of the surface function "extrapolation" in surface I would have used this function by selecting (up to the surface).


I still haven't been able to limit a volume created with Scan Volume with another volume.

By the way, I specify that my volumes are in 2 different bodies.

Obviously the "saw" icon called cut is always grayed out (not selectable) when I select my 2 bodies.

How can I relimit one body with another body?

Thank you in advance for your help.

As I said I don't have the modules to work in "Volume"

A volume has no matter, it is a closed envelope to which a sense of matter is assigned.

There are 2 different icons of the cut function:

  • in part design, (to cut solids by a surface, or a plane)
  • in Generative Shape Design, (to cut surfaces).

Is there an equivalent order in the workshop where you create the volumes?


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Thank you!

Thanks to your feedback, I was able to find out.

There is indeed a cut tool in the Generative Shape Design workshop.

On the other hand, before I placed myself in an orderly geometric set and CATIA didn't like it.

By placing myself in a classic geometric set, I was able to use the cutting tool.