Added thread representation


I have a problem, I can't add a thread representation to the Toolbox database.

When I add a line in the database, it appears and I can use it with the drilling wizard but not with: Insert -> Annotations -> Thread representation...

The reference I added is to the last line of this image below

So my question is which database should be modified to add thread types for this tool?


Your screenshot is not very readable....
In theory, you are using the right tools to be able to create and use your new piercings. Both with the drilling wizard and with the annotations of the 3D models.
You indicate that only the last addition does not work, in your screenshot it seems that it is also the only one to have the last cell filled in ...
This is undoubtedly an avenue to be explored.

Kind regards

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Thank you for this answer, concerning the screenshot it's when I insert it in my comment that the quality degrades strongly and I don't see where I can change it, there is no option.

For the last cell I have to fill it in otherwise the toolbox does not accept the addition.

And finally the lines that I add to this database are well taken into account for the drilling assistant tool (I find them in the choices offered) on the other hand they are not offered in the tool with the 3D annotation



I am well aware that Toolbox requires all information to be entered when creating a new hole (or tap), which is .... painful.
In your case, you have combined your new thread (M240) with an MDX series.
Solidworks will look up the equivalent Thread designation in the MDX series, and if it can't find anything, then it doesn't display anything in the 3D Model Annotations.
If you remove this link in the "SERIES column" (by deleting its contents) everything should go back to normal.
This is also valid if you have filled in the "Name to associate" cell... It is best to leave it empty as well.

Also pay attention to the type of decimal separator. Solidworks is fussy about using periods instead of commas (and vice-versa)

For my personal information, what Standard does your Table come from?

Kind regards.


Hello, sorry for the response time but I didn't have time to look into this problem again until today.

Indeed, that was the last box, the problem.

On the other hand, it was impossible to leave it empty, I left a space and it worked, thank you!

The standard from which the table is derived is the DIN