Add relationships?

Good evening everyone

I have a half hood or I have folds on the lower and upper part,  I have made the parameterization through equations the problem and when I move the length or the width or the inclination, I have all my folds from the sheet metal function bend on edge which are not good because an angle value and impose in this function, It is impossible to add vertical or horizontal relationships, so that the top of the hood remains 

horizontal and the bottom remains vertical, I insert a screenshot for more understanding and thank you for your answer.




Can you share your file and what version are you in?

Hi all

2016 Premium Version,

j inserts the file. Under consideration



Hello, you forgot the part^^

Before going through the equations, do you do it manually at the part level to see how it behaves?

after that I don't exclude a whim of SW.


Kind regards


we should also need your play.

excuse me I put the coin



In your assembly, you will have other parts? 

I ask because if you edit your part in an assembly with other components, you can make a fold parallel to a face as shown in the attached screen print and there whatever you do the angle of the fold will not change.


Yes, on the upper part of the hood, a U-shaped  box made of folding sheet metal hiding a pipe will be created.


So if you have coin faces parallel to your folds, you just have to select them so that they fit the new dimensions while remaining parallel to the faces, select...

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I would add equations for the top folds, so that the fold is always horizontal.

Creating a Pilot Sketch

Adding an equation

second fold perpendicular to one face.

It doesn't work in relation to a plan

Kind regards





I don't know why, the views are blurred in my previous return, I'll put them  in your PC.
