Add a file type in PDM administration


I can't find anywhere how to add a file type (extension) in the PDM administration. I expected to be able to do a "right-click", "Add a file type", in the same way as users for example... But this is not the case.

Anyone know where I can add a file type (extension)?

Thank you in advance.


From what I think I understood the list of "File types" is related to the workstation on which you are doing the configuration, after that I have no other ideas because like you I thought that a simple right click was enough to add an extension.



Thank you for the answer. However, I still don't know where to go to add a file type.

A priori you have to put a file with the desired extension in your vault for the extension to be listed in the EPDM admin settings.

So it's better to have at least one workflow that accepts all types of documents (otherwise you'll find yourself stuck...).

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It's as simple as that! Thank you.

Yes, I have what it takes in workflow.

And so, do you know how to delete a file type? Because I have a lot of useless extensions related to people who have confused revision and extension (like CAOxxx.A0.sldprt vs CAOxxx.A0.A0)

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